Cron Bun

Create and manage your cron jobs with ease, deploy in seconds

Cron Deployments made easy

Deploy with ease, leave complexities to us.

import {db} from "drizzle"

import {slack} from "slack"



slack.postChannel(123, {message: "Migration run"})

Powered by Railway ✨

One click deploy

Deploy your scripts in seconds, with our one click deploy feature.

Intuitive Management

With our simple workflow, you can easily manage your scripts without complex steps.


Hosting over the edge

With our Railway network, we host your scripts globally.

Running out of copy

Easy duplicate your scripts with our copy feature.


Automate your stuff with bun

Create and manage your cron jobs with our easy-to-use platform.

Run your integration and bots for any platform

With our AI-powered platform, you can post to multiple platforms at once, saving you time and effort.

Twitter-colorCreated with Sketch.
Twitter-colorCreated with Sketch.

+20 runs/day

Monitor usage

Easy to mange resources and pay only for what you use.

Integrated AI

Connect to Chat-GPT and other AI services to automate your tasks.

Twitter post
Email Campaign
Newsletter Campaign
Every 5 minutes
Once a month

Intuitive pipelines

Create pipelines and automate your workflows with ease.


Manu Arora

Clean up DB



Tyler Durden

Scrape Amazon


Create, Share, Downloads Templated

Get the most used script templates for top developers.